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CacheFly deploys Noction IRP for real-time network optimization

CacheFly, a Chicago based Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider deployed Noction Intelligent Routing Platform (IRP) with the aim of increasing network performance and minimizing the delay of content delivery.

CacheFly was the first company to offer CDN services that rely solely on TCP Anycast for routing, rather than DNS based global load balancing. CacheFly’s anycast technology delivers customer content from the internet’s major peering locations, delivering rich-media content considerably faster than traditional delivery methods.

Minimizing user-perceived latency is crucial for CDNs hosting interactive services. CacheFly CDN offers end users access to a wide variety of services, running on geographically distributed server farms. Many of the web applications are highly delay-sensitive. CDNs minimize user-perceived latency by overprovisioning server resources, directing clients to nearby points of presence (POPs), and shifting traffic away from congested network segments. Yet, CDNs are quite vulnerable to increases in the wide-area latency between their server farms and the clients, due to inter-domain routing changes or congestion in the middle-mile network segment.

Noction IRP deployment in CacheFly’s network aided automatic decision-making with regards to route optimization. IRP was calibrated to make routing decisions according to established performance policies intended to minimize latency. The premise-based IRP analyzes actual traffic and proactively changes network routes to optimize flows through the Cachefly’s network providers. Currently, Noction IRP has been deployed in several CacheFly’s locations. The expectations are that all of the company’s worldwide POPs will be equipped with the Noction’s product.



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