The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
6. NFA Upgrade
To update to the latest NFA version:
Clean all cached information:
For RHEL: #
Proceed with
yum clean all yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=baseos,appstream,nfa update nfa nfa-supplemental-v2
Check if all NFA components are updated to the latest version for CentOS or RHEL:
rpm -qa nfa\*
For Ubuntu: #
If your NFA is v 22.04 or older, run
add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
Otherwise, proceed with
apt clean apt update all apt install chrony apt upgrade nfa
Restart nfabgpd:
systemctl restart nfabgpd
Verify the NFA components:
systemctl list-dependencies
Check if all NFA components are updated to the latest version for Ubuntu:
apt list --installed nfa\*
Run the below command if you’ve updated NFA to v 23.01:
apt autoremove
Should you have any questions or experience difficulties during the upgrade process, please email
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