The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
1.2.7 VIP Improvements
The VIP Improvements is a feature that allows manual specification of a list of prefixes or AS numbers that will be periodically probed by IRP and optimized in compliance with the probing results. This allows the system to monitor specific networks or Autonomous Systems, without reference to the data provided by the IRP collector.
Possible usage scenarios include, but are not limited to:
monitoring and optimizing traffic to commercial partners that should have access to your networks via the best performing routes
monitoring and optimizing traffic to your remote locations, operating as separate networks
monitoring and optimizing traffic to AS, which are known for the frequent accessibility issues due to geographical or technical reasons
IRP performs the proactive (more frequent than regular probing) monitoring of the VIP prefixes/ASNs that allows VIPs to be constantly improved.
For future reference, see: