Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is not merely a protocol—it’s the backbone of the...

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Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is not merely a protocol—it’s the backbone of the...
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API allowed addresses apid.allowed_ips
APId listen IPv4/IPv6 address apid.listen.master_ip
APId listen IPv4/IPv6 address (slave) apid.listen.slave_ip
AS Path rules for IX ASN peer.X.aspath_for_ix
AS-PATH restore priority bgpd.as_path
Account ID pushd.sms.account_sid
Adaptive packets count explorer.probing.sendpkts.adaptive_max
Additional communities inbound.rule.X.communities
Allow Latency to override CC policy.X.cc_overload_by_latency
Allowed IP addresses global.frontend_acl_ips
Allowed latency worsening (ms) core.cost.worst_ms
Allowed loss worsening (%) core.commit_control.worst_loss
Alternative PBR test IPv4 address peer.X.ipv4_pbr_check
Analyzed prefixes collector.ournets
Announced blackholing localpref value bgpd.peer.X.blackholing.localpref
Announced inbound localpref value bgpd.peer.X.inbound.master_localpref, bgpd.peer.X.inbound.slave_localpref
Autonomous System
Autonomous system number policy.X.asn
Avatar emoji pushd.webhook.avatar_emoji
Avatar icon URL pushd.webhook.avatar_url
BGP MIB (IPv4) peer.X.mon.ipv4.internal.mode
BGP MIB (IPv6) peer.X.mon.ipv6.internal.mode
BGP Router ID bgpd.peer.X.master_router_id, bgpd.peer.X.slave_router_id
BGP community
BGP mode global.nonintrusive_bgp
BGP redirect communities irpdetectd.bgp.redirect.communities
BGP redirect routers irpdetectd.bgp.redirect.bgp_peers
BGP session monitoring IPv4 address peer.X.mon.ipv4.bgp_peer
BGP session monitoring IPv6 address peer.X.mon.ipv6.bgp_peer
BGP session password bgpd.peer.X.master_password, bgpd.peer.X.slave_password
BGPd monitoring guard time (sec) bgpd.mon.guardtime
BGPd monitoring holdtime (sec) bgpd.mon.holdtime
BGPd monitoring keepalive (sec) bgpd.mon.keepalive
BGPd monitoring long holdtime (sec) bgpd.mon.longholdtime
BW reserved for local instance operation globalgroup.X.outbound.95th.reserve
Base community for inbound improvements peer.X.inbound.community_base
Blackhole threshold kpps irpdetectd.blackhole.threshold.kpps
Blackhole threshold mbps irpdetectd.blackhole.threshold.mbps
Blackholing IPv4 next hop bgpd.peer.X.blackholing.ipv4.next_hop
Blackholing IPv6 next_hop bgpd.peer.X.blackholing.ipv6.next_hop
Blackholing Routers peer.X.blackholing.bgp_peer
Blackholing community
Borrow AS-PATH if can’t restore bgpd.as_path_borrowing
Bot name pushd.webhook.botname
CC allowed for core.commit_control.loss_override
CC probing TTL (sec) core.commit_control.probe_ttl
CC probing queue slots core.commit_control.probing_queue_size
CC provider precedence peer.X.precedence
Cascade policy policy.X.cascade
Cascading policy max AS bgpd.policy.cascade.amount
Centile value peer.X.95th.centile
Circuit issues detection peer.X.circuit.control
Commit Control core.commit_control
Commit Control for inbound core.commit_control.inbound.enabled
Commit Control for provider peer.X.cc_disable
Community mark for RD
Community marker for local improvements bgpd.rd_local_mark
Confirmation reprobing interval irpinperfd.probing.confirmation_interval
Control inbound.rule.X.full_control
DDoS Mode irpdetectd.mode
Default BGP reaction irpdetectd.bgp.reaction
Default FlowSpec reaction irpdetectd.flowspec.reaction
Delete irrelevant CC improvements core.commit_control.del_irrelevant
Delta loss to restore core.circuit.recover_loss_diff
Delta loss to shutdown core.circuit.high_loss_diff
Delta loss to warn core.circuit.warn_loss_diff
Diag hop uniqueness enforcement explorer.trace.diag_hop_unique
Email server
Enable policy policy.X.enabled
Explorer algorithms explorer.algorithms
Explorer worker threads explorer.maxthreads
Exploring IPv4 queue slots core.eventqueuelimit
Exploring IPv6 queue slots core.eventqueuelimit_ipv6
Failback timer (s) global.failover_timer_failback
Failed probe lifetime (sec) core.probes.ttl.failed
Failover global.failover
Failover master identity file global.failover_identity_file
Failover timer (s) global.failover_timer_fail
Flapping protection bgpd.mon.internal.flap_guardtime
Flow Collector collector.flow.enabled
Flow agents peer.X.flow_agents
Flow sources collector.flow.sources
FlowSpec redirect IPv4 irpdetectd.flowspec.ipv4.redirect
FlowSpec redirect IPv6 irpdetectd.flowspec.ipv6.redirect
FlowSpec redirect type bgpd.peer.X.flowspec.redirect_type
Flowspec global.flowspec
Flowspec PBR global.flowspec.pbr, peer.X.flowspec.pbr.enabled
Flowspec status bgpd.peer.X.flowspec
Flowspec threshold kpps irpdetectd.flowspec.threshold.kpps
Flowspec threshold mbps irpdetectd.flowspec.threshold.mbps
From email
From phone number pushd.sms.phone_number
Frontend access restriction global.frontend_acl
GlobalGroup member list globalgroup.X.members
Global Group name globalgroup.X.shortname
Global commit improvements
Global improvements max worsening (ms)
Global latency/cost improvements
Group balance check monitors core.commit_control.group_balance.check_monitor
High load limit (%) globalgroup.X.outbound.rate_high
High volume precedence explorer.high_vol_precedence
Holdtime of BGP updates (sec) bgpd.db.timeout.withdraw
ICMP timeout (ms) explorer.timeout
ICMP/UDP ping monitored IPv4 addresses peer.X.ipv4.mon
ICMP/UDP ping monitored IPv6 addresses peer.X.ipv6.mon
IP address for Internal Monitor provider.X.rule.Y.bgp_peer
IP prefix policy.X.prefix
IPv4 External monitor peer.X.mon.ipv4.external.state
IPv4 Internal monitor peer.X.mon.ipv4.internal.state
IPv4 Redirect community peer.X.flowspec.ipv4.redirect_community
IPv4 aggregate size global.agg_ipv4_max
IPv4 diagnostic hop peer.X.ipv4.diag_hop
IPv6 External monitor peer.X.mon.ipv6.external.state
IPv6 Internal monitor peer.X.mon.ipv6.internal.state
IPv6 Redirect community peer.X.flowspec.ipv6.redirect_community
IPv6 aggregate size global.agg_ipv6_max
IPv6 diagnostic hop peer.X.ipv6.diag_hop
IPv6 support global.ipv6_enabled
IRP’s IPv4 address bgpd.peer.X.master_our_ip, bgpd.peer.X.slave_our_ip
IRP’s IPv6 address bgpd.peer.X.master_our_ipv6, bgpd.peer.X.slave_our_ipv6
IX auto re-configuration peer.X.auto_config
IX auto re-configuration interval (s) global.exchanges.auto_config_interval
Ignore unannounced prefixes global.ignored.unannounced
Ignored ASNs global.ignored.asn
Ignored communities global.ignored_communities
Ignored prefixes global.ignorednets
Improvement MED value
Improvement communities bgpd.peer.X.master_communities, bgpd.peer.X.slave_communities
Improvement localpref bgpd.peer.X.master_localpref, bgpd.peer.X.slave_localpref
Improvement mode global.improve_mode
Inbound CC moderated mode core.commit_control.inbound.moderated
Inbound Injection method global.inbound.injection
Inbound Performance moderated mode irpinperfd.moderated
Inbound Prefix Next Hop inbound.rule.X.next_hop
Inbound bandwidth estimation algorithm core.commit_control.inbound.volume_estimation
Inbound high load limit (%) core.commit_control.inbound.rate.high
Inbound improvement delay (sec) core.commit_control.inbound.improvement.delay
Inbound low load limit(%) core.commit_control.inbound.rate.low
Inbound overload by (%) trap.core_cc_overload.inbound_limit_pct
Inbound overload by (Mbps) trap.core_cc_overload.inbound_limit_mbps
Inbound performance irpinperfd.enabled
Inbound prefix control bgpd.full_control
Inbound traffic distribution history collector.export.archive_inbound
Indirect probing precedence explorer.probe.indirect_priority
Infrastructure IPs explorer.infra_ips
Instance traffic stake within GG (Mbps) globalgroup.X.outbound.95th
Internal monitor SNMP host peer.X.mon.snmp
Irppushd TCP listen port pushd.listen.port
Irpspand interfaces collector.span.interfaces
Issues time horizon (min) core.circuit.hist_interval
Keepalive interval (sec) bgpd.peer.X.keepalive
List of providers policy.X.providers
Load balancing within group peer.X.group_loadbalance
Local IPv4 inbound next_hop bgpd.peer.X.inbound.ipv4.next_hop
Local IPv6 inbound next_hop bgpd.peer.X.inbound.ipv6.next_hop
Local improvement only policy.X.forcelocal
Low load limit (%) globalgroup.X.outbound.rate_low
Management interface global.master_management_interface
Master routing domain global.master_rd
Max IPv4 Flowspec rules core.flowspec.max
Max IPv4 Improvements core.improvements.max
Max IPv6 Flowspec rules core.flowspec.max_ipv6
Max IPv6 Improvements core.improvements.max_ipv6
Max collected IPs explorer.max_collector_ips
Max message size pushd.sms.message_size
Maximum load per interface (Mbps) peer.X.limit_load
Maximum probe lifetime (sec) core.probes.ttl.max
Min loss detection packets explorer.probing.sendpkts.min
Mindelay probing queue slots collector.span.min_delay.probing_queue_size
Minimal prefix bandwidth (Mbps) core.commit_control.agg_bw_min
Minimal probe lifetime (sec) core.probes.ttl.min
Minimal traffic volume (%) collector.export.volume.min_pct
Minimal trffic volume (bytes) collector.export.volume.min
Mitigation prefix size (IPv4) irpdetectd.ipv4.prefix_size
Mitigation prefix size (IPv6) irpdetectd.ipv6.prefix_size
Model shelf life (s) irpinperfd.model.shelf_life
Model stabilty check interval (s) irpinperfd.model.stability_interval
NO_EXPORT/NO_ADVERTISE community bgpd.no_export
NetFlow UDP port
Outage confirmation timeout (sec) core.problem.outage_timeout
Outage detection core.outage_detection
Outage prefix confirmation rate core.outage_detection.limit_pct
Outage round trip rate (%) core.problem.rtt.diff_pct
Outbound high load limit(%) core.commit_control.rate.high
Outbound low load limit(%) core.commit_control.rate.low
Outbound optimization global.outbound
Outbound traffic matching collector.flow.all_outbound
Overload by (%) trap.core_cc_overload.limit_pct
Overload by (Mbps) trap.core_cc_overload.limit_mbps
Overusage interval (sec) core.overusage.check_interval
Overusage policies global.bw_overusage
Overusage rule retention (sec) core.overusage.hold_timer
Overusage threshold multiplier core.overusage.out.threshold.trigger
Overusage throttle multiplier core.overusage.out.threshold.throttle
PBR check for provider peer.X.pbr_check
Packet size from IP header collector.span.size_from_ip_header
Peer AS number override provider.X.rule.Y.next_hop_as
Peering Partner PBR check provider.X.rule.Y.pbr_check
Peering Partner name provider.X.rule.Y.shortname
Peering Partner next-hop provider.X.rule.Y.next_hop
Peering Partner status provider.X.rule.Y.enabled
Perf/Cost improvements within group peer.X.improve_in_group
Plivo API uri pushd.sms.uri.plivo
Policy notes policy.X.notes
Policy priority policy.X.priority
Policy type policy.X.policy
Prefix inbound.rule.X.prefix
Prefix BW average time (hours) core.overusage.out.average.period
Prefix aggregation global.aggregate
Prefix announcement rate (%) trap.bgpd_announced_rate_low.limit_pct
Prefix filter for excessive loss/latency trap.core_excessive.prefixes
Prefix latency limit (ms) trap.core_excessive_latency.limit
Prefix loss limit (%) trap.core_excessive_loss.limit
Prefix relevant BW (Mbps) core.overusage.out.average.relevant_min
Prefix status inbound.rule.X.enabled
Prepend inbound prefixes core.circuit.inbound
Prepend transit prefixes core.circuit.transit
Probe shelf life (s) irpinperfd.probing.shelf_life
Probing DSCP provider.X.rule.Y.probing_dscp
Probing IP address provider.X.rule.Y.probing_ip
Probing IPv4 address peer.X.ipv4.master_probing, peer.X.ipv4.slave_probing
Probing IPv6 address peer.X.ipv6.master_probing
Probing algorithm explorer.probe.algorithm
Probing failure margin irpinperfd.probing.failure_margin
Probing interface(s) global.master_probing_interface
Probing timeout irpinperfd.probing.timeout
Protected addresses irpdetectd.protected_addresses
Provider 95th Calculation Mode peer.X.95th.mode
Provider 95th percentile peer.X.95th
Provider ASN for IPv4 peer.X.ipv4.next_hop_as
Provider ASN for IPv6 peer.X.ipv6.next_hop_as
Provider Shutdown peer.X.shutdown
Provider cost per Mbps (USD) peer.X.cost
Provider description peer.X.description
Provider inbound overload by (%) trap.core_cc_provider_overload.inbound_limit_pct
Provider overload by (%) trap.core_cc_provider_overload.limit_pct
Provider overload by (Mbps) trap.core_cc_provider_overload.limit_mbps
Provider overload inbound by (Mbps) trap.core_cc_provider_overload.inbound_limit_mbps
Provider probing IPv6 address peer.X.ipv6.slave_probing
Provider type peer.X.type
Provider’s 95th (inbound)
Provider’s bandwidth max deviation (%)
Provider’s billing day peer.X.95th.bill_day
Provider’s global group ID peer.X.global_group
Provider’s routing domain peer.X.rd
Provider/link name peer.X.shortname
Providers inbound.rule.X.providers
Public IPv4 address for PBR tests explorer.ipv4_test
Public IPv6 address for PBR tests explorer.ipv6_test, peer.X.ipv6_pbr_check
RD performance worsening community rd.X.community_worsening
RD shortname rd.X.shortname
RTT allowed worsening (ms) irpinperfd.rtt_allowed_worsening
RTT between RDs global.rd_rtt
Re-probe on new path change
Re-probe on old path change bgpd.retry_probing.old.bmp_path_change
React on Irpflowd stats core.commit_control.react_on_collector
Relevant RTT difference (%) core.performance.rtt.diff_pct
Relevant RTT difference (ms) core.performance.rtt.diff_ms
Relevant RTT: IX vs transit (%) core.performance.rtt.ix_diff_pct
Relevant RTT: IX vs transit (ms) core.performance.rtt.ix_diff_ms
Relevant loss (%) core.performance.loss_pct
Remove if exact prefix absent in BMP bgpd.improvements.remove.bmp_exact_aggregate
Remove next hop update bgpd.improvements.remove.next_hop_eq
Remove on aggregate withdrawal bgpd.improvements.remove.withdrawn
Reprobing interval irpinperfd.probing.interval
Restore after (sec) core.circuit.recover_hold_time
Restore interval (min) core.circuit.recover_monitored_intervals
Role global.failover_role
Route server’s IPv4 addresses peer.X.ipv4.route_server
Route server’s IPv6 addresses peer.X.ipv6.route_server
Router inbound.rule.X.bgp_peer, peer.X.bgp_peer
Router IPv4 address bgpd.peer.X.master_peer_ip, bgpd.peer.X.slave_peer_ip
Router IPv6 address bgpd.peer.X.master_peer_ipv6, bgpd.peer.X.slave_peer_ipv6
Router next-hop IPv4 address peer.X.ipv4.next_hop
Router next-hop IPv6 address peer.X.ipv6.next_hop
Routes configuration mode peer.X.routes_config
SMS gateway pushd.sms.gateway
SNMP Traps community
SNMP Traps destination port trap.destination.port
SNMP Username (traps) trap.destination.auth_username
SNMP authentication (traps) trap.destination.auth_protocol
SNMP authentication password (traps) trap.destination.auth_password
SNMP community
SNMP encryption snmp.X.priv_protocol
SNMP encryption (traps) trap.destination
SNMP encryption password snmp.X.priv_password
SNMP encryption password (traps) trap.destination.priv_password
SNMP host address snmp.X.ip
SNMP host short name
SNMP interfaces peer.X.snmp.interfaces
SNMP port snmp.X.port
SNMP security (traps) trap.destination.seclevel
SNMP v3 Username snmp.X.auth_username
SNMP v3 authentication password snmp.X.auth_password
SNMP v3 authentication protocol snmp.X.auth_protocol
SNMP v3 security level snmp.X.seclevel
SNMP version snmp.X.version
SNMP version (traps) trap.destination.version
SNMPv3 context snmp.X.context
SPAN Collector collector.span.enabled
Safe removal of improvements core.improvements.safe_removal
Scanning attempts explorer.scanning.sendpkts.factor
Secret pushd.sms.auth_token
Server port
Shutdown bgpd.peer.X.shutdown
Slave IPv4 address global.failover_slave.ip
Slave IPv6 address global.failover_slave.ipv6
Slave Management interface global.slave_management_interface
Slave Probing interface(s) global.slave_probing_interface
Slave SSH port global.failover_slave.port
Slave routing domain global.slave_rd
Speaking IP responses for candidates explorer.scanning.replypkts.min
Speaking IPs RTT dispersion (ms) explorer.scanning.rtt.dispersion_ms
Speaking IPs to scan on loss explorer.scanning.confirm_ips
Spike preceeding interval (seconds) trap.core_cc_improvements_spike.period_sec
Spike size (%) trap.core_cc_improvements_spike.diff_pct
Split outbound announcements bgpd.updates.split
Standard reprobing period (sec) core.improvements.ttl.retry_probe
Strip non-IRP communities bgpd.improvements.strip_non_irp_communities
Synchronous Inbound Provider Groups core.commit_control.inbound.sync_groups
The routing instance index peer.X.mon.vpn_instance_id
Time keep irpdetectd.time.keep
Time monitor irpdetectd.time.monitor
Timeout interval (s) snmp.X.timeout
Top volume prefixes per cycle collector.export.volume.high.top_n
Top volume prefixes per inperf rule irpinperfd.model.topn_per_rule
Top-N relevant volume prefixes core.outage_detection.volume_top_n
Trace all providers explorer.trace.all
Traceroute algorithms order explorer.trace.algorithms
Traceroute max hops explorer.traceroute.ttl.max
Traceroute min hops explorer.traceroute.ttl.min
Traceroute packets per hop explorer.traceroute.sendpkts
Traceroute retry packets explorer.traceroute.retrypkts
Transit ASNs bgpd.prefixlist.asn
Transit Improvement TTL max (sec) core.improvements.inbound_transit.ttl.max
Transit Improvement TTL min (sec) core.improvements.inbound_transit.ttl.min
Transit Improvements Max core.improvements.inbound_transit.max
Transit SNMP hosts bgpd.peer.X.transit.snmp
Transit matching at egress collector.flow.process_transit_in_outbound
Transit peering partner mark provider.X.rule.Y.transit
Transit prefixes bgpd.prefixlist.prefixes
Transit top N prefixes collector.flow.export.inbound_transit.topn
Transit traffic distribution history collector.export.archive_transit
Transiting traffic bgpd.peer.X.transit.status, global.inbound_transit
Twilio API uri pushd.sms.uri.twilio
Use BGP peer for flowspec PBR peer.X.flowspec.pbr.use_bgp_peer
Use BMP data peer.X.bmp
Use BMP to search for routes peer.X.bmp.check_routes
Use communities to monitor master global.failover.use_communities
VIP probing
VIP reprobing period (sec)
Webhook URL pushd.webhook.url
Whitelist irpdetectd.whitelist
Withdraw improvements on warn core.circuit.withdraw_on_warn
min_delay status collector.span.min_delay
sFlow UDP port collector.flow.listen.sf