The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
3.12.4 Core configuration
Core #
- Max IPv4 improvements (core.improvements.max, core.improvements.max_ipv6)
- Standard reprobing period (core.improvements.ttl.retry_probe) – the time period after which a specific improvement is being scheduled for re-probing.
- VIP reprobing period ( – defines the VIP prefixes probing interval, in seconds.
- Minimal probe lifetime (core.probes.ttl.min) – Ordinary probing will not be performed for a specific prefix if its probe age is lower than this value.
- Allowed latency worsening (core.cost.worst_ms)
- Exploring queue slots (core.eventqueuelimit)
- Relevant loss for loss-based improvements (core.performance.loss_pct) – a prefix will be improved based on a loss cause only if the packet loss can be decreased by this value (in %)
- Relevant RTT difference (core.performance.rtt.diff_ms)
- Relevant RTT difference (%) (core.performance.rtt.diff_pct)
- Maximum probe lifetime (core.probes.ttl.max)
Outage Detection #
Overusage #
- Overusage interval (core.overusage.check_interval) sets the frequency in seconds of checking for excessive bandwidth use.
- Overusage rule retention (core.overusage.hold_timer) sets how much time a rule is kept after bandwidth use returns to normal.
- Prefix BW average time (core.overusage.out.average.period) sets the number of hours used to determine the average bandwidth use of a prefix.
- Prefix relevant BW (core.overusage.out.average.relevant_min) sets the relevant bandwidth use in Mbps by a prefix before considering any rules for it.
- Overusage throttle multiplier (core.overusage.out.threshold.throttle) sets the multiplier to apply to average prefix bandwidth use when setting a rule.
- Overusage threshold multiplier (core.overusage.out.threshold.trigger) sets the threshold multiplier used to determine excessive bandwidth use.
Circuit Issues Detection #
- Delta loss to shutdown (core.circuit.high_loss_diff) sets threshold to initiate shutting down a provider with circuit issues as a difference between examined provider’s average loss and overall average loss during the given time horizon. Shutdown is attempted only for providers marked accordingly.
- Delta loss to warn (core.circuit.warn_loss_diff) sets threshold to raise a warning regarding issues with a provider as difference between examined provider’s average loss and overall average loss during the given time horizon. Usually this threshold is significantly lower than the shutdown threshold.
- Delta loss to restore (core.circuit.recover_loss_diff) sets low loss level threshold when IRP will restore full functionality over provider that had circuit issues.
- Issues time horizon (core.circuit.hist_interval) sets how many minutes in the past IRP looks for probes with loss over both analyzed provider and all the other providers on the network.
- Withdraw improvements on warn (core.circuit.withdraw_on_warn) instructs IRP to withdraw outbound improvements over provider with circuit issues when warning threshold is reached. By default improvements are withdrawn only when shutdown threshold is exceeded.
- Restore after (core.circuit.recover_hold_time) sets the interval in seconds after which IRP should re-evaluate a provider’s circuit loss and attempt restoring it to normal function. This will be performed only for providers that are configured to attempt to restore after shutdown.
- Restore interval (core.circuit.recover_monitored_intervals) sets the interval in minutes during which IRP will periodically re-evaluate a provider’s circuit loss and attempt restoring it to normal function. This will be performed only for providers that are configured to attempt to restore after shutdown.