The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
3.12.7 Explorer configuration
To adjust the Explorer-related parameters, go to “Configuration → Explorer”.
The Explorer settings sections should be consulted for detailed Explorer parameters description.
- Infrastructure IPs (explorer.infra_ips)
- Explorer worker threads (explorer.maxthreads)
- Probing algorithms and Traceroute algorithms (explorer.probe.algorithm, explorer.trace.algorithms)
- High volume task precedence (explorer.high_vol_precedence)
- Process max collected IPs (explorer.max_collector_ips)
- First probing packets amount (explorer.probing.sendpkts.min)
- Adaptive probing packets count (explorer.probing.sendpkts.adaptive_max)
- ICMP timeout (explorer.timeout)
- Traceroute retry packets and packets per hop (explorer.traceroute.sendpkts, explorer.traceroute.retrypkts)
- Traceroute minimum and maximum ttl (explorer.traceroute.ttl.min, explorer.traceroute.ttl.max)