The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
3.12.5 Commit Control configuration
- Commit Control probing queue slots (core.commit_control.probing_queue_size)
- Minimal prefix bandwidth in Mbps (core.commit_control.agg_bw_min) Inbound Commit Control #
- whether inbound commit control is on or off
- whether review and moderation feature is enabled or disabled
- what is the bandwidth estimation algorithm for inbound and others
Estimating inbound traffic Internet traffic has high variability and adjacent measurements can differ significantly between them. In these conditions a leveling function helps mitigate the risk of generating excessive numbers of Inbound improvements due to higher traffic variability of some networks. This estimation can be fine tuned by the Inbound bandwidth estimation algorithm parameter that tells an IRP instance what value to use as the basis of the calculation. See the possible base values below: Optimization of transiting traffic #
- Transiting traffic toggle that enables or disables the feature (global.inbound_transit)
- Transit Improvements Max sets the maximum number of transit improvements (core.improvements.inbound_transit.max)
- Transit ASNs and Transit prefixes specify those segments of the Internet that IRP monitors and optimizes (bgpd.prefixlist.asn, bgpd.prefixlist.prefixes)
- Transit Improvements TTL min and max set the lower and upper bounds in seconds to keep a transit improvement (core.improvements.inbound_transit.ttl.min, core.improvements.inbound_transit.ttl.max)
- Transit Top N prefixes sets the number of transit prefixes that are collected each cycle and considered for optimization (collector.flow.export.inbound_transit.topn)
- Match transit at egress enables or disable statistics collection for transit prefixes when packets exist the network (collector.flow.process_transit_in_outbound)