The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
1.3.3 Commit Control Flexible aggressiveness of Commit algorithm based on past overloads # Trigger commit improvements by collector # Commit Control improvements on disable and re-enable #
- when Commit Control is disabled for a provider (peer.X.cc_disable = 1), this Provider’s Commit Control improvements are deleted;
- when Commit Control is disabled globally (core.commit_control = 0), ALL Commit Control improvements are deleted. Provider load balancing # Commit control of aggregated groups # 95th calculation modes #
IRP supports the following 95th calculation modes:
- Separate 95th for in/out: The 95th value for inbound and outbound traffic are independent and consequently bandwidth control for each is performed independently of each other. For this 95th calculation modes IRP monitors two different 95th for each inbound and outbound traffic levels.
- 95th from greater of in, out: At each time-point the greater of inbound or outbound bandwidth usage value is used to determine 95th.
- Greater of separate in/out 95th: 95th are determined separately for inbound and outbound traffic and the larger value is used to verify if commitments have been met.