In recent years, the concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)...
2.11.1 BGP Blackholing
- Blackholing next-hop bgpd.peer.X.blackholing.ipv4.next_hop & bgpd.peer.X.blackholing.ipv6.next_hop
- Each eligible provider should have a configured Blackholing BGP session peer.X.blackholing.bgp_peer and Blackholing community (formerly offered by a provider)
- Default BGP reaction (irpdetectd.bgp.reaction) should be set to 0 (Drop)
- Moderated/Automated Mode (irpdetectd.mode) requires thresholds to be set to operate properly (irpdetectd.blackhole.threshold.kpps and/or irpdetectd.blackhole.threshold.mbps).