The latest Intelligent Routing Platform v4.2.7 has just been released. This update...
5.5 Cisco IPFIX
Cisco v5/v9/ipfix for ASR and XR ver > 7.5.x
flow exporter-map $flow_name
version [v5,v9,ipfix]
options sampler-table timeout 30
template timeout 30
template data timeout 60
template options timeout 30
transport udp $flow_port ( default 2055)
source $interface_source
destination $nfa_ip
sampler $sampler name
mode random 1 out-of 1024
flow monitor-map $flow_monitor_name
record ipv4
exporter $exporter_flow_name
cache entries 8192
cache timeout active 60
cache timeout inactive 60
flow monitor-map $flow_monitor_name_v6
record netflow ipv6 original-output
exporter $exporter_flow_name
cache entries 8192
cache timeout active 60
cache timeout inactive 60
interface $name
flow ipv4 monitor $flow_monitor_name sampler $sampler_name ingress
flow ipv4 monitor $flow_monitor_name sampler $sampler_name egress
flow ipv6 monitor $flow_monitor_name_v6 sampler $sampler_name ingress
flow ipv6 monitor $flow_monitor_name_v6 sampler $sampler_name egress
Cisco IPFIX for XR version < 7.5.x
configure terminal
flow exporter $flow_exporter
destination $NFA
source $interface
transport udp 2055
export-protocol [v5,v9,ipfix]
template data timeout 60
flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame
cache timeout inactive 60
cache timeout active 60
cache entries 8192
record ipv4
exporter $exporter_flow_name
flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame
cache timeout inactive 60
cache timeout active 60
cache entries 8192
record netflow ipv6 original-output
exporter $exporter_flow_name
sampler $flow_monitor_sampler
mode random 1 out-of 1024
interface $facing_upstream_provider
ip flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame sampler $flow_monitor_sampler input
ip flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame sampler $flow_monitor_sampler output
ipv6 flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame_v6 sampler $flow_monitor_sampler input
ipv6 flow monitor $flow_monitor_mame_v6 sampler $flow_monitor_sampler output